Balance & Vestibular Therapy

CALL 561-331-3636 to discuss your dizziness or vertigo problems and how our advanced technology can help! Let Gold Coast Physical Therapy be your first choice when experiencing vestibular and balance disorders.

Dizziness Balance Issues


Our Physical Therapists will determine what is causing your loss of balance and create a program that addresses your specific issue(s) so you can regain your confidence and your freedom. Many times, the vestibular system is a main contributor of imbalance and dizziness. This system is located in your inner ear and can be treated without medication or surgery through vestibular physical therapy.


Vestibular rehabilitation is an exercise based program designed by a specialized physical therapist to improve balance and reduce dizziness-related problems. A treatment plan will be developed that will improve your ability to function in activities of everyday living, reduce your risk for falling, and,ultimately, improve your quality of life.

Gold Coast Physical Therapy uses advanced medical techniques to overcome dizziness and vertigo.

Gold Coast PT Boca West Safety Overhead System


Benefits Vestibular Patients & Helps Improve Overall Function.

An overhead harness support system consists of an overhead track and moveable trolly that allows the patient, while secured in a simple body harness, the freedom to ambulate, perform functional types of activities, and fall with minimal risk of injury.

Read more about the sos
CDP Machine Computerized Dynamic Posturography


CDP is like an MRI of the Balance System

Before your initial evaluation with a physical therapist, a test is taken in the Bertec Computerized Dynamic Posturography called the Sensory Organization Test (SOT). This is a Six Condition Protocol used to identify any abnormalities in the way you use your three sensory systems of balance: Vision, Vestibular, and Somatosensory. During each of the six Conditions, your three sensory systems for balance system are challenged in different ways to see how your brain uses them effectively. There are four sections in the SOT that help our Physicians, Audiologists, and physical therapists design personalized physical therapy interventions with each balance patient.

Read more about the CDP


Learn more about how Gold Coast Physical Therapy specializes in helping patients with dizziness, balance disorders or who need vestibular rehabilitation and can help bring balance back to your life through our balance retraining and state-of-the-art technology.

Our clinicians take world-class balance and vestibular certification programs and have a dedicated balance center program led by advanced trained vestibular therapists.

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